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India Has More Nuclear Weapons Than Pakistan. What Reason?

India Has More Nuclear Weapons Than Pakistan. What Is Reason?

India Has More Nuclear Weapons Than Pakistan

Historical, strategic, and technological reasons are among the many influences on the relative quantity of nuclear weapons that India and Pakistan possess. India may possess more nuclear weapons than Pakistan for the following primary reasons:


1) India's No-First-Use (NFU) Policy: India is committed to abstaining from the use of nuclear weapons unless it has been attacked by an adversary using such weapons first. In order to assure survivability and retaliation capacity, this doctrine necessitates a strong and credible second-strike capability, which may demand a greater arsenal.

2) Full Spectrum Deterrence: Pakistan has created a strategy of full spectrum deterrence, which includes tactical nuclear weapons used to thwart conventional strikes. Pakistan, on the other hand, does not have an NFU doctrine. Possibly not as massive an arsenal as India's is needed for this strategy.

India Has More Nuclear Weapons Than Pakistan

Ambitions in Geopolitics and the Security Environment

1) India's role in the area and the world: India sees itself as a counterweight to China, which also has a sizable nuclear arsenal, and has larger aspirations in the region and the world. Larger nuclear forces are therefore required to preserve strategic stability in the area.

2) Pakistan's Concerns: India is Pakistan's top security concern. Although it requires sufficient nuclear weapons to intimidate India, competing with China or taking a major global role is not its main objective.

India Has More Nuclear Weapons Than Pakistan

Economic and Technological Capability

1) India's industrial and economic basis is more diverse and larger than other countries, which makes it possible for the country to pursue more ambitious nuclear and missile development projects. This includes the creation of cutting-edge delivery systems including cruise missiles, ballistic missiles, and submarine-launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs).

2) Pakistan's resources: Due of its weaker economy and industrial base, Pakistan may not be able to build as large of a nuclear arsenal or as diverse of delivery systems.

India Has More Nuclear Weapons Than Pakistan

Non-Proliferation and International Relations

1) Civil Nuclear Agreements and the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG): India has obtained a number of civil nuclear agreements and the NSG has waived its restrictions, enabling it to get civilian nuclear technology and materials. By freeing up domestic resources for weapon development, this inadvertently boosts India's nuclear weapons programme.

2) International Support: Due to increased scrutiny about proliferation and limited access to international nuclear resources, Pakistan's nuclear weapons programme may be constrained.

India Has More Nuclear Weapons Than Pakistan

Testing and Development in the Past

1) Early Development: India tested its nuclear weapons for the first time in 1974, a year ahead of Pakistan in 1998. India has had a longer time to develop and improve its nuclear capabilities thanks to this early advantage.

2) Testing and Validation: Both nations have carried out nuclear tests, but India has benefited from greater data from its earlier and later launches, which have improved the country's capacity to develop and produce nuclear weapons.

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